Friday, April 10, 2009

Conditions for Using Technology

Think different. Those two words define who a teacher is and what a teacher does to "teach." Sure we have curriculum and a plan to follow, but how we go about carrying that plan out is what makes us teachers who aren't afraid to change with the technology changes that are emerging as we enter into the future. Change is happening all around us and we need to accept it, embrace it, use it and teach with it.

But in order for teachers, new and seasoned ones, to accept the technology changes, I think technology needs to be easily incorporated into the daily plan; i.e. ease of use, time to practice and accessible on a daily basis (preferably in each classroom, rather than signing up for the lab). School administration also needs to be supportive of the changes teachers are facing and help in any way possible, as long as communication is open and occurs frequently.

If we are trying to teach the students of today for their own futures, we'll need to be willing to take on challenges, continue learning as fast as the changes are occurring, provide and seek resources and most of all be patient and encouraging to students and ourselves. After all, no one ever said change would come easy. So let's think different.

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