Friday, September 14, 2007

What I hope to Learn

When I first heard about this program from a colleague of mine in the QC Program, I was eager to learn all about it. Since the "interview" with this program I was amazed at how many resources are available to educators. My student teaching expeirence definitely lacked the technology portion. Of course I used PowerPoint and SmartBoard, but I am looking forward to learning about other ways to integrate technology into the classroom.

I am unsure of so many applications that exist which can be brought into the classroom. When I begin teaching, I hope that all of my students and parents can see what's occurring in the classroom on a daily basis. Opening the paths of communication to parents and students will help develop relationships. Using technology will assist me with this concern.

Browsing through the list of workshops, I am eager to continue my learning and apply it to my profession. I have always loved learning and will continue to learn. I believe this program will guide me with my own learning process as I begin to develop an understanding for technology in the classroom.

1 comment:

Christine Southard said...

Hi Danielle,
I'm excited to start with TEAM too. Our students live in the 21st century and it's our responsibility to be 21st century teachers. Technology is a great teaching and learning tool. Let's help them to conquer the world one right click at a time. :)